I think the two other points I wanted to make about this, because I think we want more people to use these tools, because we want to demystify them, and we want the tools to be more responsible, the makers of these tools, and that is to continue the teaching and learning relationships that I think all of your guests have talked about, really addressing those, because that can also feed or diminish equity and access to educational opportunities. And the last thing is what we want, and I think I say we are an educational community, but also an educated community, we want people to ask better questions. We want students to really dive into their inquiries. We want teachers to deepen their inquiries. And I think only good things can come from people asking better questions, more questions. And I think that’s what, both from an ethical perspective in terms of who has access, but also from how we use these tools, that’s what’s going to help us, I think, shape and agitate in productive ways.
Celeste Headlee: Yeah. I wonder, Pia, because perhaps the solution is using the Salcon methods, Salcon of the Khan Academy where you do the lectures at home and do the homework in class. Jeff emails us, “Maybe English teachers should have all essays done in class. I have long hated the idea of assigned homework. It’s not necessary.” Do you think something like ChatGPT is going to reopen that long-standing debate about homework?
Pia Ceres: Oh, absolutely. I think that it will definitely explode our notions of what is the best use of time in class and what is the best use of learning time outside of class? So I think, to go back to what Daniel said earlier, something that I have seen teachers experiment more with is just switching up that format of multimodal learning, to find a better use of time in class—demonstrating learning in other ways outside of writing, having a dialogue, drawing a picture about something that they’ve been reading in class. So I definitely think there’s room for more creativity there.
Celeste Headlee: Pia, we have only about 30 seconds left, but I wonder, do you expect reporters and journalists to start using ChatGPT to write up their stories when they’re on deadline?
Pia Ceres: Don’t tell my editor any of this. No, I’m joking.
Celeste Headlee: I didn’t say you. I just said people.
Pia Ceres: I think that that’s something that every newsroom will have to navigate on their own. We’re starting conversations at WIRED about it, but I think that remains to be seen and will be developed newsroom by newsroom.
Celeste Headlee: Interesting. That is Pia Ceres, senior digital producer with WIRED, and Lalitha Vasudevan is a professor of technology and education at Columbia University’s Teacher College. She’s also the college’s vice dean for digital innovation. Pia and Lalitha, thank you so much for joining us today. We continue this series, Know It All, 1A and WIRED’s Guide to AI, tomorrow with a conversation about artificial intelligence and health care. And WIRED has a newsletter if you want to learn more about how technology is changing our lives. It’s called Fast Forwards and explore the latest advantages in AI as well as other technologies. You can sign up at WIRED.com/newsletter.
Today’s producers were Chris Remington and Avery Jessa Chapnick. This program comes to you from WAMU, part of the American University in Washington, distributed by NPR. I’m Celeste Headlee. We’ll talk more soon. This is 1A.
[Music rises, then fades out.]
Lauren Goode: Hi, it’s Lauren again. Thanks for listening to this special show. If you want to hear more of these conversations, you can find the entire Know It All series at the1a.org/series. That’s one as in the numeral one, so it’s the1a.org/series. Thanks to WAMU and NPR for the use of this episode. We’ll be back to our regular programming next week. Until then, goodbye.
[Gadget Lab outro theme music plays]