SAMARINDA, – East Kalimantan DPRD Member Puji Setyowati SH MHum reminded the sophistication of gadget technology not to cause the loss of nationality for the nation’s next generation in East Kalimantan, especially Samarinda.
This was conveyed by Puji in the Socialization of National Insights (Soswabang) activities on Jalan KH Harun Nafsi, Loa Janan Ilir sub-district, Sunday (30/10/2022) by presenting a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Widya Gama Mahakam University Samarinda who is also deputy mayor of Samarinda for the 2000-2005 period & 2005-2010 and mayor of Samarinda for the 2010-2015 & 2016-2021 period, and Drs Erham Yusuf MPd who has served as head of the Samarinda Kesbangpol Agency.
According to Puji, who is also deputy chairman of Commission IV DPRD Kaltim, this socialization of national insight aims to provide an understanding of the 4 pillars of nationalism, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Unity in Diversity.
“As a member of the East Kalimantan DPRD, I have an obligation so that nationalism is within us. How do we have good friendships, how do we care for each other, and take care of our neighbors, our people and our people. We also have to work together with the environment in which we live. The philosophy where we stand on the earth, we uphold the heavens becomes a determination within us to believe that we all have the same responsibility,” said the Legislative Praise for the Samarinda Electoral District.
He said if while in the care of the children feel safe and comfortable, then this child will grow up to be healthy, with character, highly dedicated and responsible for himself. “This is the hope that in East Kalimantan, Samarinda in particular, intelligent generations will be born who will not forget history,” said the Democratic Politician.
According to him, history should not be forgotten. Because history is what will instill and lay the foundation in every citizen.
“That’s why it’s called a pillar, a pillar is a support. Just imagine if this house had no supporting pillars. Where do we want to live because the walls will be level with the ground. This ceiling no longer exists because it is level with the ground. So big, so strong is the pillar that will be passed on to generations through ladies and gentlemen who will become the next generation of the nation, especially East Kalimantan and Samarinda. Don’t let nationality disappear because of gadgets. I’m sorry, right now gadgets are really good because with Google we can see the world, but with Google it will also destroy the world,” said the wife of Syaharie Jaang.

Therefore, Puji entrusted once again to the Soswabang participants to limit their sons and daughters who don’t have time to hold gadgets yet.
While Syaharie Jaang, in his material, emphasized the problem of national disintegration. “This year we are entering the 77th Indonesian Independence Day, meaning that in 23 years we will enter 1 century of independent Indonesia. And this year we have just commemorated the 94th year of Youth Pledge Day with the theme Unite to Build the Nation. But why are we currently busy talking about the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia? So, we can’t be careless. Various influences, let alone globalization, let alone the advancement of technology and information now is extraordinary. We see world developments by looking at Google, looking at TikTok. In fact, we are sad to see, there is a tiktok wearing a high school uniform on their white flag. He is not aware, we are not specializing the flag, but it is the symbol of our country,” he said.
Then Syaharie Jaang gave an example of Russia which is a super power country that has been divided into several states, even now there is still a war going on between Russia and Ukraine which is part of Russia. Moreover, we are the nation of Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country. There are 17,000 islands, we speak various languages. But it’s amazing, our unifying language, Indonesian, can unite all of us from various backgrounds, “said Syaharie Jaang who is also the chairman of the East Kalimantan Dayak Alliance (PDKT).
Meanwhile Erham Yusuf in the material on the 4 Pillars of Nationality emphasized that the four pillars must be strengthened to build the nation in the challenges of state, nation and community life.
“If likened to a pillar is a pillar of a building so that it can stand firmly. If the pillar is fragile then the building will easily collapse. The four supporting pillars in the middle are called pillars of the teacher whose quality is guaranteed so that these pillars will provide a sense of peace and security. Thus the pillars of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity are the pillars for the establishment of the Indonesian state,” explained Erham who is also active in the Samarinda Branch of the Kwartir Scout Movement.
Talking about the commitment to unity, according to him, is one of the most important elements in the life of the nation and state. Because every country has a different society both from ethnicity, culture, religion, belief and others.
“Because they are different, every society in a country must be able to maintain tolerance. The aim is of course not to arise conflicts between communities and not cause rifts in the unity of the nation and state. Therefore, commitment in an effort to maintain unity is an important thing to implement,” concluded Erham who is now the Head of the Samarinda City Library and Archives Service. (dho)