How To Find, Modify, Or Delete Them

There are technically two ways you can retrieve your passwords from an iPhone. The first way is to just use Siri. If you ask Siri “where are my passwords,” or “Siri, show me my [app name] password,” it would pull them up for you. For the purpose of demonstration, however, let’s stick to the manual method.

The second method is to find your passwords in your iPhone’s Settings app. Since you can always access your Settings, this is the most reliable way to find your passwords. Here’s how it works.

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

  2. Select the Passwords option. If you’re running iOS version 13.1 or earlier, select the Passwords & Accounts option, followed by Website & App passwords.

  3. You’ll be prompted to enter your iPhone’s unlock PIN or password. If you have FaceID or TouchID enabled, you will need to use it here.

  4. You’ll get a list of all accounts currently saved to your iPhone in alphabetical order.

  5. Tap on an account to see its details, including your saved username and password.

Your password list also comes with a built-in security checker. If you have information stored for any websites or services that have recently reported data breaches or unusual activity, the security checker will warn you as such and advise you to change any relevant passwords.